Introduction  |  Jubilee Park  | Old Stage Park  | City Pool  |  Other Resources  | 

cave-junction-park-recreation-plan-logoPark and recreation plans make communities more competitive for grant money.  Public input from people of all ages and abilities is critically important in the development of this plan. The plan will be more effective at increasing  competitiveness for grants if a large number of local people participate in its development.  

The local community can participate in the development of the plan by attending community meetings and filling out surveys. Meetings and surveys will be done between March and June with the final plan coming out in mid June.

The plan will be developed by the Community Planning Workshop (CPW), a program managed by the University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy, and Management. They have done more than 30 park and recreation plans in various communities around Oregon.

The park and recreation plan will include ideas for what to do with the City’s three recreation properties – Jubilee Park, City Pool, Old Stage Park – but can also include strategies for bicycle and walking paths and ways to connect the community to trails on adjacent public lands.  


