logo for youth contest for fire safety, cave junction, oregonThis is a new contest to encourage children between the ages of 7-18 to come up with innovative ideas to improve home fire prevention and safety. The contest organizers invite youth to use science, technology, engineering, math, kindness, creativity, and collaboration to tackle America’s number one disaster threat—home fires. Each year, home fires kill more Americans than earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes, combined. The organization believes the creativity of youth can invent new ideas for how to improve home fire prevention and safety and encourages any ideas kids can think of including posters, videos, inventions, messages, community events, websites, mobile apps, or anything else that will help.

Contest closing date is May 1, 2016

Youth will compete in three age divisions: ages 7-10, ages 11-14, and ages 15-18.

The top 100 teams will win cash prizes in the amounts outlined below:

-Grand Prize (1): $100,000.
-First Place Prizes (2): $20,000.
-Second Place Prizes (3): $10,000.
-Third Place Prizes (3): $5,000.
-Finalist Prizes: (91): $500.

You can get a better idea what the program is about and what is expected by watching this informational video.

See this page for the full program rules.

Another contest worth looking into 

Each month, Project Paradigm will host a different photo or video contest to help fight against home fires. Upload your creation and ask friends and family to vote for your entry.  See a list of cash prizes given out monthly.




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