Logo announcing grant opportunities for the Illinois Valley communities of Cave Junction, O'Brien, Kerby, Selma, and Takilma, southwest OregonGrants from the Dreyfus Foundation typically range from $1,000 to $20,000 and are awarded to USA nonprofits for museums, cultural, and performing arts programs; schools, hospitals, educational and skills training programs, and programs for youth, seniors, and the handicapped; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other community-based organizations. The diverse scope of projects that this foundation supports is based on the fact that they don’t have project priorities. They support worthwhile activities for which an organization has made a compelling case to receive funding.

The foundation is also unusual because they are willing to provide support for operations.

No grants are made to individuals but anyone who has a project they think would be competitive for this grant may want to take their idea to a local nonprofit and see if they will apply on your behalf.

The application is a one-step process involving writing a three-page letter of request. This is where the applicant makes a compelling case to be funded and should be specific as to the nature of your organization, the purpose of the requested funding, and the dollar amount of the request itself.  This letter, along with other required documents, are mailed to the Foundation with the post mark being on or before the deadline date.

Application deadline

This foundation accepts applications two times a year. Be certain that your application is postmarked and in the mail on or before these dates:
May 10
November 10

Go to this webpage for more information about application guidelines.

The Foundation says the following are the most common problems they have with applications they receive, which result in disqualification of the application.

  • The copy of the organization’s 501c3 determination letter is not included.  (A copy of the organization’s state sales tax exemption form is not sufficient.)
  • The organization’s name, contact person, and postal address are not included in the request.
  • The nature of the request is unclear and obscured by jargon and acronyms.  Be specific in your proposal, and the amount of support being requested.  (A request for “any amount possible” makes it more difficult to evaluate your request.)
  • Providing single Income and Expense totals instead of itemized budgets.
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